When too much is too far . . .

Crushing metaphors
on a dark sky . . .

Silences of nothingness
the rules of no man's land
a star faraway . . .
the fire of circumstance

when I lay my head down
when the night has come
and sleep is the only way
to brake up another day

the walk of life
is not an easy piece . . .




Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1001 times
Written on 2008-04-12 at 18:01

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lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Dan metaphorically i love the message in this and i give this piece my hearty bookmark for irts sure power and i believe one of your best .

when I lay my head down
when the night has come
and sleep is the only way
to brake up another day

the walk of life
is not an easy piece . .

I love this passage rgds mike well done