This was going to be a title for something else, but I found this theme to be better!

Where the water runs, How the water flows

Almost a year ago,
My boss paid me a visit to my store,
Fairly routine, fairly annoying, nonetheless,
During this conversation,
My mother called me on my cell,
And I heard the phrase come out of his mouth, saying,
"Mama's boy, huh",
I smiled and looked my former boss in the eye and said,
"Since July 19, 1972, is there a problem?",

You hear the same things all the time,
About how this is the day to celebrate this,
And this is the day to celebrate that,
But these are basic things that you must celebrate,
Respect and Honor everyday,
Mother, Father, Brother, Sister,
But, not to sound contradicting,
There is and always will be something different,
About this day,

From the "hottest day of the year",
To your first steps, she was there,
Good or Bad, Right or Wrong,
They are our defenders, they are our fighters,
They are our closest things to God,
Until we find out who God is,
And still they are pictured sitting right there,
On the right,
The great negotiator and the quickest advisor,

To some and many,
They have to play two roles alone at times,
And with that, their weight is more than anything,
We can possibly imagine,
And it is because of that,
That we are who we are,
And we are constantly reminded of,
Who and where we came from,

There are so many things important in this world,
But to all of us, there is a beginning,
And it is a duty to always,
Honor, Love and Respect,
And with this, I can explain no more,
How important you are to the world,

To Gail Teresa Anderson,
From your son,
I cannot thank you enough,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 1021 times
Written on 2008-05-08 at 01:43

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Just in time for Mothers Day...great loving write


lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Brian i will start again you are a mothers boy and so what this is a lovely poem for her well done dancer
rgds Mike

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!

this is a tremendous writing...thanks a lot for sharing this piece of wrote everything that you came straight from your sounds so kind and ...your thinking is quite similar to have great thoughts..yeah we must respect our elders..I liked the way as you told him "Is there problem?" hehehe.I just can imagine that scene..Nice woork great power beautifully you wrote..our elders show us the right way they tell us what is wrong and what is right..from the m we learn everthing..they tell us and teach us everything ..they dont want to us to go on the wrong their punishment we find love to make us a good.... wrote very are a nice and kind human being...

Nice to see you


Bookmarked!Love it!thank you is not enough..thank you for sharing this...kisses