I just got the news just now!!!

There is no equal (To my ascended hero)

I wish you were writng this with me,
But I hope I can carry this on for you,
For me and everyone else who cared for you deeply,

There is no equal to you,
That's why all will remember your name,
There is no equal to you,
That's why wherever love roams, you are there,
There will be no equal,
Because as we all know,
Love is stronger than death,

Here I sit in shock and disbelief,
At something that came at last,
You gave us your heart and soul in every word you wrote,
In every co-write you were in,
It was an honor and a pleasure to know you,
And I know you are watching over us now,
And fortunate or unfortunate,
You're probably finding out who we all are from up above,

Your star shines so brightly here that it will never dim,
And there are those who will make sure of that indefinitely,
And with these words, I bid your farewell,
With a piece of heart you took,
And the love you gave all of us,
In this world,

He went home,
To live,
With God,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 857 times
Written on 2008-05-16 at 07:34

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lovingly written for one such as he, a true heart of gold he possessed...but those of us who believe...we shall see him once again in eternity..until we hold on to one another wrapped in a cover of peace
~blue xo

Kathy Lockhart
he did go home and he truly lives with God. We spoke of such things often over our times together. And, just before he went in to surgery, he and I discussed his relationship with the Almighty. He told me it was Good and if he should die he would be with HIm there. So I am now happy for him being in his new home but sad for the world that lost him. Last night i slept with his shirt and he brought me comfort. Thank you Brian for your compassion and friendship. xx kathy

He has made our hearts larger...