What dreams are made of

He has told me on many occasions that i am something special, something unforseen and different. He says he cares me more than he has cared for anyone before. Never has he felt this way, completely new emotions fill him when I'm near. He calls it love. Not the childish deffinition of the word, not the love that is tossed around in convorsations. "haha aw i love you!" or "i love your hair, this song, this food".
Not anything close. that deep love, that mix of pain and elation that holds me to him, that void in my soul that grows when he's not around. The feeling of complete bliss I am under when he's near. When he looks me in the eyes I am pulled in to that clear ocean blue. He looks at me and I am aware of his feelings for me. I am aware that i do mean the world to him. every girl wants to feel special, wants to be that girl unlike any other. I had given up on this, for the longest time I regarded myself as nothing special, nothing worth this magical sensation known as love. Suddenly it is upon me and I couldn't be happier. Every girl does believe they are something special and I must say it feels good to be proved right. Now I need to show him how special he is, I fear he is blind to it, hurt by years of unloved turmoil. But I am here, I love him so, the deep true meaning of the word, and I want everyone to see who I fell in love with and why. But most of all i want him to see for himself.

Words by dre
Read 882 times
Written on 2008-05-20 at 02:51

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Anshul Sharma
well expressed...

Language: 3
Format: 2
Mood: 4
Overall: 3