Keep those passages coming for the quilt!!! For the weary and mournful!!!

Even your darkest nights, there must be a light

Gone is the easiest thing to do,
And one of the hardest things to feel,
Because it's physical as well as mental,
But there is always a way,
To get back,
Take back and hold on,
To that what is so dear,
You take your hope,
You take your faith,
And make things happen,

To the weary,
Let me give you a light,
To let you know your struggle,
Will never be in vain, ever,
There is victory after the pain,
And the rewards will be yours, to share,
With the rise you must remember where you came,
And commend those who were there,
Even the ones who shun you aside,
For vengeance just makes the win, look cheap,

To the mournful,
Let me hold you with this embrace,
You are not alone, ever,
In better times and in better places, we will all be,
But until that time, we must stick together,
For all our sakes,
For as Star Trek taught us,

"The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of few,
or the one",

So go gentle into that good night,
Knowing that we are all there with you, always,
Tomorrow, there will be a light to guide a way,
In dark times, walking unafraid,
With love in your heart,
And not feeling alone,
Because after all, you never were,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 766 times
Written on 2008-05-20 at 06:40

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
You bring to mind that old song, written during the gloomy
times of World War 11..."When the lights go on again, all over
the world"

xxx Stan

Christian Lanciai
The heartfeltness is genuine with a consistent touch of palpable beauty. Please note for your collection my "Broken wings".

best of compliments,
