Update on Poetic Quilt

Hey guys,
Just want to keep up to date on the "quilt". I got a few more good entries in, and they are very good. It really shows how much heart and soul you put into every verse and every word. It really moves me to see this, and I can't thank you enough. This is also open to editors on this page, if you can review, i know you can write as well. So keep them coming, please. This is for the page, for Mike and Kathy, and most of all, yourselves. Meet somebody you just might look-over on the home-page through their writing, what do you have to lose?

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 876 times
Written on 2008-05-25 at 17:35

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Laila Roth
Please note the latest exchanges between me and Kathy.