I didn't know that it was
a refugee camp
Was surrounded by all green mountains
Pouring colorful, fragranced roses
In the mouth of Jericho valley
When the silver waterfalls
Drop sweet chilly water in the glazy ramp
All shiny circled stones

Tears upon refugee camp

Tears upon refugee camp

I didn't know that it was
a refugee camp
Was surrounded by all green mountains
Pouring colorful, fragranced roses
In the mouth of Jericho valley
When the silver waterfalls
Drop sweet chilly water in the glazy ramp
All shiny circled stones
Had healthy faces
Which I hesitated to touch by feet or tramp
They all were ornamented by wet smiles
Filling the crying of my Palestinian map
Raising the songs like tender beautiful scamp
I used to glaze happily towards the faces
While my brushs draw my identity
My fingertips searching for stamp
When my first attempt to write my letter
I felt so ill
Felt the writer's cramp
But no way to forget
Spelling my birthplace in the refugee camp
Shaking my head and asking :
is this beauty
And greens
Shining faces ?
figs and grapes ?
palms and fragranced fruits
Lemons and oranges?
Like smiles of heavens
Called a refugee camp ?
I didn't know that
those pages of beauty
are going to become a squeezed land in
theif 's paralyzed hand
after I started to play on the green ground
mashing the birds
playing the Harp
and when I thought of happiness to rap
for feast gifts and determined to grasp
the placenta of my childhood and frap
my face started looming on my eyebrows
my vision moaned the face
that couldn't even stay in peace
in that blessed refugee camp !!

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 732 times
Written on 2008-06-01 at 00:16

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limber junctionson
I am an ever cynic but your words are ringing for me.