if you're marking this please dont deduct anything for my lack of capitalization. it shouldnt make a difference, u no? lol

wet cement

he tells me tales in an excitedly juvenile tone promises of someday. i hear it in his voice how much faith he holds in this one act. and his happiness is contagious and i am drunk with it after a time. i start to believe this could be the turning point. the end of this train and onto the next. and then my smile fades with every delay. where are you? sundridge. why? i bought an ounce. so needless to say you haven't talked to your neighbor? no. but i will. and something inside me died. wasted wishes gone rotten in the face of higher priorities. oh how slanted they are, and i will never understand. hope has failed me, as has he. i told him, dont get your hopes up. yet i was the one who should have heeded my own call.

there goes the rest of his life, passing by on a crowded bus, leaving him alone on wet cement. "if i dont get this, what else will i do? i cant seem to hold onto a normal job." yes , what will you do? i cannot answer that for you as much as i want to. it is in his hands and i fear he shall drop it, distracted by insubstantial highs. and i fear it will crash into a million peices on the wet cement, obliterated beyond repair.

Words by dre
Read 831 times
Written on 2008-06-04 at 06:05

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