A memoir of misfortunes!!!

Merge into Traffic

There is an unique quality in all of us,
And yet, when it comes to reality,
We are all the same,
I guess that's why we try so hard,
To make the even, uneven,

We're no longer "baggers",
We are "courtesy clerks",
The words to upgrade ourselves,
Are not even able to be classified as "politically correct",
It's just made to make us feel more better,
About a position that really doesn't need the upgrade,
It just makes want to either to do more with our lives,
Or be happy for who we are,

They is a such thing as a "happy employee",
No matter what they are doing, because,
Yes, because, the passion is there,
The cause to do it is there,
And from there, greatness and success is born,

We spend a lot of time in "justifying wrong",
So much in fact that we have blurred right and wrong,
And yes, it should disgust you,
It's all around you,
All you have to do is pay attention and then act,
In order to mend a crumbling infrastructure,
Is to cure a crumbling morality,
You can only accept so much,
Until it sickens you,
Until it bleeds you dry,
Until you stand up and be accountable and counted,

It's okay to be unique,
It's okay to be in a group,
But right and wrong must be in play through all,
Movements and decisions that affect,
The many, the few, and the one,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 869 times
Written on 2008-06-05 at 06:09

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right on as always bri....your soul is always on spot.
great write....humility is a forgotten art
~blue xo