I feel strongly about exploitation of Children...It is all the more disturbing when they are street children lured in to corruption, of all creed and manner...This is the final poem of my series of poems on:"Children of Lesser God".

Street Urchin

The Little Boy Beggar on the Street
He begs in the street,
That young boy by the fire,
To quench the collective fire
Of his family's belly;

Crippled- Sometimes by intention-
Much against his desire,
To cash upon the pity,
Of the world entire;

He feeds his family
And goes to sleep
On a half-filled stomach
Much to his ire;

He is the child on the street,
Alone in this world entire;

And sometimes,
He is picked up,
By a peddler of drugs;
He makes him an addict,
Blackmails him into peddling;
His blood, filled with the poison,
He sinks into quagmire
Of disease, addiction, exploitation
And quenching of desire,
Of lusty men and 'sire',
To whom he is 'supplied',
On beaches,
In dingy 'ghettos',
And in bars,
To some 'debonair'...

He doesn't reach maturity,
And dies in the street,
On a cold friendless night,
By some dying fire...

This boy on the street,
Alone in this world entire...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Note: Goa's Beach-Boys are famous.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 2055 times
Written on 2006-01-07 at 23:10

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I feel very strongly as well for the treatment of children worldwide--some people think it only happens in this country or that, but it is everywhere--in the USA to Australia, to China to Iceland. It truely disgusts me...and I love this poem, because it opens the eyes of others.

As Nom said, an eye opener. how sad that children have to go through this...

The rhyme is phenomenal.

I almost wish it was put to music. It'd be an amazing, plaintively beautiful song. You don't write music, do you?

Black Knight
One of satanic precepts speaks: "do not offend children".
And among those who does it many people who name themselves Christians...

Zoya. Remeber what we talked about your words holding me up? Well, these words glued me to the top. Your heart is so big and kind. PoetBay have been blessed with someone amazing. You Zoya, my friend.

I especially admire your write! You have a special way with your pen that flows like an artist portraying such beauty, yet leave reality spill with such ore to capture the essence of the reader to accept what really is going on in this world. Children, the future of our world being exploited in to a world of drugs, sex, and money; giving no meaning to life, no dreams to hope for, a fantasy with no light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks once again for enlightening us in this true but sad picture.

Once again Zoya you take their cause in this unjust world, this breaks my heart to read of such exploitation of innocence that is so abundant in the world of today, we can only hope and pray that one day this kind of thing will be eradicated once and for all,blessings on you for doing this enlightening series that all may read and understand a little more of their plight.

Certainly a very importan issue very well put here, in a language that is so much you, although, there is a distance between you and the boy, maybe because you are not describing one certain boy but rather makes a picture of many boys.

Compassionate and, at the same time, flaming of rightful indignation.
Wish we all lived in a world where this poem series wasn't necessary...

Zoya, my God you are brilliant..such a wretching thing to read and see....yet, you fill this page with compassion and sorrow for children such as these. My heart breaks for them, and i can only cry a mother's tears for their precious souls.


*welcome back dear*

Celtic boy
So sad.
Again, your words put the story gently but still imprints the message on my brain.

This poem should be shared and read by so many of the worlds "don't cares".