Whenever I see natural phenomena, occurring day in & day out, with clock-like precision...I wonder: are they trying to tell us something? My soul gets troubled; my heart fills with indescribable sorrow! Thoughts come chasing one another & I wonder: "Why
I Often Wonder...
I often wonder, whyDoes the setting sun,
Colour the sky blood red?
Why does the spring, cover
The trees with green apparel?
The autumn-leaves, turn red,
Then yellow & golden-brown,
Before they fall down upon the ground?
The thirsty Earth, absorbs
The first drop of rain,
Eagerly in its parched bosom?
The shadows of the eve,
Quietly, merge into
The darkness of the night?
The snow on mountaintops
Melts into a river, traverses
Thousands of miles through the plains,
And finally unites with the deep azure Ocean?
Imparting the ever essential
Water of life, to
The green fields in its wake...
The birds of North, migrate,
Travel eons of miles every winter,
And come to the same shores each time,
Year after year, after year?
Why does the Nightingale,
Sing, songs for its mate?
What do they crave for?
What do they long for?
Why do I envy the sun?
Sing the songs of spring,
Tremble with every leaf?
Why does the autumn fill,
My heart with saddest thoughts,
Why does the evening bring,
Sorrow to my heart?
The melting snow, the flowing river,
Fill me, with inexplicable longing?
With the migratory birds, I want
To fly, far, far away,
To distant lands...
With the Nightingale, I sing
The saddest of songs...
Why do I keep awake at night?
Tossing and turning in my bed...
My bosom heavy, with a thousand sighs,
Pearls of my tears trickling down my eyes,
Why does my breath, choke in my throat?
Why do I always hum
The saddest of tunes to myself?
What do I long for?
What do I crave for?
Why am I yearning?
Why is my soul troubled so?
Why my heart is in turmoil?
Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh, UP, India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1563 times
Written on 2006-01-10 at 17:10
Tags Existence 

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