It has been a long time friends, I really missed you!
I hope you like this poem of mine?

Still, I Hope for you, Tomorrow!

Upon the troubled road of life,
I have trod many a mile;
Scaled the high mountains of grief,
Touched summits of agonising pain-
Again and again...

I have swam the ocean's sweep,
Trough the troubled waters deep;
And withstood the scorching flames-
Purging fires of suffering and blame;
Spread my wings and soared high,
And crashed down like Icarus at times...

Many a hot desert-sand,
In my way did stand;
Still, in this jungle of life,
I kept a firm stride!

Still, I fly and soar high;
Still, I tumble; still, I fall,
Get up, brush myself, and start,
All afresh and go on-
On and on....

Still I dream and desire,
Walk through the love's cleansing fire,
Still, I await you, my Love,
Love you, Life, and overcome Sorrow,
Still, I hope for you, Tomorrow!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright(C): Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1123 times
Written on 2008-08-22 at 12:48

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Dan Cederholm

My dearest friend I guess you
never stop writing . . .

This text takes my breath away
up on a new levell . . .

The sky is not a limit, univers
is a smal stepp when we open
up our doors . . .



Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Welcome back Zoya! It is a pleasure to read your calm presence here once again

Elle xxx

Yess! Zoya is back on the bay with all the fire of her heart!

Rob Graber
Welcome back to the bay!