lovesong for YOU


If I sing you a lovesong
directly from my heart

if I told you that . . .
the mountains and the sky
is not a limit . . .


When you smile
you take my breath away
and when you sing . . .

oh my love

the mountain stummble
out in to the open ocean
and your touch is the
inkarnation of feelings
and I fall . . .

out in the ocean
of BLUE . . .

loving the splash . . . and

I lay down in rest and peace
with the love you give to me
I am not a man, I am . . .

I am . . .
resting in your love
wonderful today

with all of my LOVE
I give it to you . . .

and . . .

if I fall
would YOU
catch me?

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 765 times
Written on 2008-08-23 at 10:45

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
I love the imagery here. A love so powerful it would make a mountain stumble into the ocean. This is some great love.

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I thought this quite beautiful Dan

Elle x