A little bit of light . . .

Amused, confused
and winning
in the loose

were righteousness is
the goal to over win
poor human behaviors
even in the darkest
there is always
a little sun

and even in the
darkest night
there's going to be a
new sunny day in
a few hours

you know it's
only time who is passing by
hold on to your mind and
float with time

and remember,
hold on to your life
don´t give up, give a little light
to the days that are passing by
stay, stay in thoughts and mind

"This little light of mine
i´m gonna let it shine . . .
let it shine, let it shine
let it shine . . ."

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1360 times
Written on 2008-08-24 at 08:47

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
How Delightful!!
I sung the song as a child, taught it to children for years as a Sunday School teacher, and am still teaching it to my grandchildren. When they meet, light always overcomes darkness. It is never the other way around. So, I...."won't let Satan blow it out, I'm going to let it shine. Won't let Satan blow it out, I'm going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. Let it shine till Jesus comes, I'm going to let it shine, let it shine till Jesus comes, I'm going to let it shine....."

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Dan...great write of optimism

Wasn't it The Beatles who wrote, "Let The Sun Shine In"

You're in good company


this poem has a good message for me right now. i'm afraid i am a little too deep in my depression to see any sun, but i'll take your word for it that it's worth waiting for it to come back. thank you so much for your words.