Northern Lights or the Aurora Borealis fascinate me greatly...

Aurora Borealis

Sun's magic charged particles
Are attracted by the magnetic field,
Concentrated at the Earth's North Pole
And produce the breath-taking Northern Lights...

So will I reach the summit of love,
Concentrate my passion on my finger-tips,
Enchant you with that magic touch
And make you my Aurora Borealis, my Love...

Come; shower me with your dazzling light,
And I'll bask in the glory of our love...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright (C): Zoya Zaidi

Note: Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights, appear as sheets of illuminated curtains with streaks as bright arcs in the sky. Recently scientists have revealed that the charged particles produced in the Solar atmospheric activities occasionally escape, especially through the magnetic holes near the sunspots. Some of these charged particles travel in the direction of the earth under the influence of the interplanetary magnetic field.
When they reach the earth, they get concentrated near the poles because of the strong axial magnetic fields there, producing the beautiful phenomenon called the 'Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1291 times
Written on 2008-08-26 at 11:43

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Aurora Borealis
What a lovely poem and magnificent picture! Love it!

Great love poem featuring one of the most awe inspiring faces of nature, the northern light. Yes, Aurora Borealis acts impressively in the northern regions of my country!
Loke, Norway

Dan Cederholm

WoW this is wonderful Zoya
I have looked at this mystery
many times and wonder if it is
someone who is speaking to me

Thanks for the words my friend



Kathy Lockhart
hugs to you sister Zoya. applaud!!

Kathy Lockhart
Aurora, my Zoya, Borealis is you
as your light magically shines through
with poetry as beautiful as the hues
of those which dance in the night sky blues.

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh! Thrilling!!!
Well written as always
my dear dear Zoya:)

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
You are a beautiful writer

Elle x

this gave me goosebumps...lovely written dear sister! i'm bookmarking it!
Lilly xxx