A tribute to who we are everyday!!!


I couldn't tell you,
Or even begin to say,
What I did or didn't do,
I just did it,
And the reason, why not?,
As lona as there is a will,
There will always be a ryhme or reason,
Because time moves and fleets,
Like a computer, then,
Feelings, before,
And future sight, prior,

What will you do today?,

There is so much to do,
So much to say,
That even my list can't keep track,
All I can do is hang-on,
Get as much done,
As I possibly can,
I'm a victim of delays and time restraints,
But the world goes around every 24 hours,
I guess I time to wait,
Or hopefully try to get everything done,
For the sake of getting ahead of the game,

What can I do tomorrow?,

Picking up the pieces,
And I can't slow down, it's make-up time,
Friends call, and the love is disappointed,
Soon to be mad, all time is consumed,
But you've always have to make it,
All better, sooner or later,
But why? does it matter?,
A new day arrives, soon,
Just as quickly and fleeting,
As everything else does, in life,

What did I know?,

We live for our memories,
We long to have memories, good or bad,
It's ingredients of who we are,
What we are, and what we can do,
Your possibilities are only limited,
By your ability to say "I can", and doing it,
We nuture memories,
Just as fast as we make them,
Some are even obsessed by them,
It's only dangerous when you let them consume you,
They do you credit,
But remember, days are fleeting,
And for every success or failure,
There must always be, an attempt,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 830 times
Written on 2008-08-31 at 05:38

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Kathy Lockhart
you are the sage that dances steps of wisdom upon the pages of poetbay. : )

Yes, days are fleeting and memories a part of who we are and sometimes the can consume us and shadow the day we have before us .. wise words from your pen // kath