When you think, everything begins to make sense!!!

With all due respect

First of all, I can't cry hard enough,
For you to hear me now,
But I will try not to sing out of key,
Long enough to feel the tears of sorrow,
I've touched with the words that were meant only to comfort,
It's not what I wanted,

When the world is a lonely place,
My hand never went astray,
But where were yours,
At the time of reckoning?,
There is such a thing as "karma",
You know, don't you know?,
You sing it everyday,

I see that the board is set,
And the pieces are at war,
And "we" are the prize,
When did the tide turn?,
We did take care of ourselves,
Once upon a time,
And that's when right and wrong were real,
I guess,
Now we dance among the shadows,
And eggshells of arrogance and blindness,
We see the future of the dictator,
But we can't move, because we're fat,
Of our gifts, our wants, and ourselves,
Who we do we really defend,
When the lights go out?,

Together, we will see light,
Together, we will cut the crap,
Together, we must enforce right and wrong,
As Bill said, we must move by the power of example,
Not by the example of our power,
Together we will dry your tears,
And help you never forget,
Who you are and what we mean to each other,
Love is not only for two, but for all,

So in all due respect,
Everything I said,
I meant it,
I miss you when you are gone,
But the music must play on,
And you will not be forgotten,
You can't play the guitar without the strings, you know,
There's a road that I must take on with you, but alone,
Don't worry, I'll catch up , if I slip up,
Just the bang and the clatter as the angel runs to ground,
Just the bang and the clatter as the angel hits the ground,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 752 times
Written on 2008-08-31 at 06:10

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Kathy Lockhart
this has a message that I hold true and personal. Thanks for a wonderfully written text. : ) kathy