Awakening . . .

Who is like . . .

Over all the earth you reign on high
over the oceans and land that is
your creation  . . .

GOD . . .

the power of you and the name
of your son is singing
love songs to me dear

GOD. . .

Over the hills and far away
I sing out to you HOLY GOD
your son in my blood

the holy one,
my savior

The trees and the birds, the flowers
the beauty that is your sign
overwhelms me . . . the pleasure
of knowing that you brought me to life

I think LOVE is a bird
brought to us with


So let the wind blow
and the sun shine

The flight of the eagle
and the roam of the lion
is signs of your existens

Love, peace and

Praise the lord
oh my soul
praise the lord

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 772 times
Written on 2008-09-01 at 12:56

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
Oh Dan! This is a psalm that would cause King David to weep with joy! I was lifted with the first words and carried along to the last on a chariot of fire; the fire that praise His name in unknown languages. Praise God for His gifts! You have demonstrated one of them here with your ability to share with readers what God is doing in your heart.