The Solar eclipse recently, set me thinking...
Solar Eclipse
Every morning the sun rises
In its full glory
Spreads its splendour
Throughout the world
Warming up hearts and hearths
Ripens crops; raises vapours
Drapes itself in clouds of rain.
Its boundless energy it spreads,
Before setting in the west.
Gives off its rays to the Moon,
Who shines every night,
In the reflected glory of the sun
Yet, every now and then-
Once in every few years-
The mighty sun
Is eclipsed by the dainty moon
That casts its shadow on the sun
Obscuring it for briefs hours and minutes
Plunging the world in a gloom,
In the darkness laden with
Ultraviolet rays, so harmful to vision.
Making birds and the animals;
Trees and flowers, so restless
That it causes a brief chaos.
‘Till the Moon shifts its position
And all is right with the world.
So it is with our lives:
Events, people and creatures small,
Eclipse our lives to take centre stage,
While we, no matter how strong,
Recede quietly in the background,
And let them enjoy, their brief glory.
Every creature, big and small,
Has his day after all…
And every big thing has its fall…
That is how it always is
That is how life goes on…
That is how it should be,
That is how, it must be!
Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
On the day of partial Solar Eclipse
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 970 times
Written on 2008-09-25 at 10:52

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