Summer is the most fascinating time of the year for me...

Summer Reign

The summer in its glory blooms
With flowers yellow and red
The peacock with its pretty plumes
Pirouettes on its dainty legs
Dancing away its gloom...

The Koel and the cuckoo black
Sing their melodious songs
The common Maina, the parrot green,
And the Robin sings along...

The morning dew, stays only a while
On the flower petal,
And as the sun begins to shine
Evaporates, in a trice...

The night's alive with a thousand creatures,
Crickets, beetles and mosquitoes,
All humming their evensongs...

Life on earth celebrates itself,
With vitality reverberates
As the summer saunters along...

Mother Earth spread thy worth,
Rejuvenate thyself again!
'Till the chilly autumn comes,
And the cold winds start their reign...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Pic: Hot Summer Day by Fyodor Vasilyev

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1002 times
Written on 2008-09-25 at 11:38

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Dee Daffodil
Lovely poem. It draws me in and places me outside on one of those summer morns...I can actually hear the song of the birds...feel the warmth of the sun...hear the bees buzzing. It takes me back to my youth in a special place...and I feel like picking fresh blueberries for pancakes. Very dreamy...lovely piece.


Beautiful as usual, the last lines especially, and I love it.

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart! does anyone so young write so beautifully?

xxxx Stan