My heart was in charge

my tears was for free
my eyes was so sold
my smiles was too shy

my ears was a good listener
for what she told

my existens got its meaning
I live in hell no more

I'm lost
in a universe of happiness

I'm inlove
I'm happy
I need no more tears
pains will get me sad no more

I'm inlove
I'm much stronger than stones now

I know what I want
I know where I found..

I'm a lucky bastard
that's what my heart keeps repeating all the time.

Poetry by Miro
Read 672 times
Written on 2008-09-30 at 23:00

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And thats the best news ever miro! I believe you. Love makes every little thing just fine for as long as it lasts. Have a wonderfully fulfilling weekend.

Smiling at you
