Thanks to NSW for correct this text !!! Original Graphics by Dan Cederholm 2008

Before I become whole again . . .

From the tree

Strong wind and
blossoming flowers

flower petals travelling in the wind

Fire and rain became fog
thunder and lightning
the music

rock & roll, smashing guitars

starlight of the night
when diamonds
turn into golden butterflies
singing to the stars

"Heaven is just around the corner"

and the roses turn to dust
electrified energy surrounds
the earth three times
then I see

the ghost of the raven

flying over the dark night sky
and the stars where falling

a sparkling omen . . .

there between
where life meets death

this is the thin line between
you and me

Before I become who I am





Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1361 times
Written on 2008-10-01 at 21:47

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Kathy Lockhart
Outstanding work and the graphics are Wonderful! this goes in my favorites. You are so talented Dan. Thanks for sharing your artistry here. : ) kathy