Recently, I lost my 45 years old brother-in-law... This is for him.

And Your Light Went Out

And then, life, sand-like
Started slipping through your fingers,
You clutched on tight
But when we opened the fist
It was empty...

Your sightless eyes,
Once so bright, full of life,
Had shut your soul out
To the world outside;
And I whispered: 'Come Out! Come Out!'
Wondering if you heard at all?

That tear in your eye
Never fell, coagulated
In those dreamy orbs,
As your lamp slowly flickered,
Adamant to go out...

And I remembered the stormy nights,
When we discussed the events bright,
Solved tricky questions of life
Till the wee hours of the morn.
Your inquisitive mind-
That storehouse of knowledge-
Did not rest a while...
Those brainstorming sessions
To while away the time...

And your mother, frail and bent,
Kept sitting outside,
Never moved an inch all night-
Said, The night that you were born,
You kicked up such a storm,
As lightening thundered in the sky,
There was a black out...

As she narrated this,
Suddenly it began to pour,
In the city there were bomb blasts,
She took it as the death knell,
Got up and suddenly left
As you faithfully kept,
Your promise with death...

And slowly your light,
Began to go out,
The storm had passed,
As you breathed your last...

I wiped that tear
Off your ice-cold face,
And said my tearful good-bye,
Amidst the choking sobs
On that fateful ink black night...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
Inspired by Rajeev's demise on 13th September 2008

Photo: Rajeev playing on the guitar on the New Years Eve, 31st December 2006

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1009 times
Written on 2008-10-15 at 14:57

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The memory of Rajeev will never die. I am so sad for you, and for his mother.
A beautiful and tender tribute, he sounds like a lovely man.

What a beautiful ode!

Remembrance is everything.

Dee Daffodil
I can tell that Rajeev has left a hole in your life, and I wish for you that memories will eventually fill that hole. I'm sorry, it's my nature to try to take away the pain...and I wish I could this time...but only father time can do that. Excellent poem full of heartfelt emotion. Very tender.

Mr painter
Great poem

Yes I can feel that.