Dust to Dust

obscurity shines
and laughs
smiles scornfully
and cries

the shadows are throwing light
on my wounded limbs
my bleeding eyes

spears of inexorability
carve signs of victory
in the raw, red

gapses of memory
are dragging bloodstrings
out of my loss

find myself on your grave
tasting the rough dirt of living
decaying slowly, bit by bit
until you and I are together

Poetry by Daybreaker
Read 462 times
Written on 2006-01-17 at 22:15

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Zoya Zaidi
Dan, this is very touching!
I am at a loss for words!
You have such an uncanny ability to penetrate your own and readers phsyche,
It is simply amazing!
You take the reader along with you, drag him, willy nilly, into your world!!!!
This is a fantastic capability you have!
I am always left feeling your pain for a long, long time to come!
How do you do it, Dan?

(((hugs for the psychological penetration)))))

love,xxx, Zoya