Picture original graphic by Dan Cederholm

When the moonflowers is falling


It was a night . . .

with thunder and lightning
moonflowers where falling from the sky
the power from the moon was extreme

the sky . . .

was calling me
out on a journey
beyond all limits

beyond dreams and reality

I could see
the flowers
falling from the moon

in a powerful electric storm

and for a while
I could hear the
Sirens songs

Universal tunes surrounding me

and on the big black sea of nowhere
my soul comes to rest and I start
to sing with the Sirens

and the moonflowers 

where falling down over me
just like the early December snow
after Novembers rain . . .

and for a moment I was free

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1414 times
Written on 2008-11-05 at 14:17

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woooooooooow thats really cool yes read its wonderful and really worth reading