A first meeting IRL with an internet-friend. We meet at a restaurant, become completely absorbed by each other, but must soon say farewell...


Yesterday your fluttering wings
became a cloud,
filling me, choking, churning.
Would she come?
Would I dare go?

I'm early.
Today the butterflies are on time
spinning my mind,
blurring thought, thinking, fearing.
Here she comes!
Here I still stand!

We're sitting.
Farewell butterflies, you've had your turn
now it's us,
we're talking, listening, learning.
Holding hands :)
Sharing staring :)

The station.
The train comes bearing butterflies
she must go,
we promise, patience, next time.
Two wise minds!
Will find a way!

Poetry by TonyD
Read 711 times
Written on 2008-11-20 at 21:33

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those butterflies of meeting can be so real and it's not just one but many butterflies. I think you expressed it so well here and I love the picture, you mean you have the same butterfly over there? We have that one here in Aussie land as well, it must fly some distance. :)

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
I really like the
flow and imagery in this.

Simple yet elegant.
