A trully nonsense poem about what happen tom me last night!

Crazy Dream . . .

In my dream . . .

there was a big blue eye
starring at me  . . .

and sudenly, in came a cowboy
riding on a wild horse

and over the whole situation
there was a remarkable
starry night sky

a white heron was
looking att some red roses . . .

and a golden Dragon
was singing . . .

"We shal overcome . . ."

and a white peace dove fly by and
talking Chinese with a fly who sat
on one of the red roses . . .

W E I R D . . .

but i am sure it was a dream
hrmmm . . . or?

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1331 times
Written on 2008-12-05 at 20:31

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
Weird dreams are often
Muse's best inspiration lol :)

Love the pic, it complements
the text well.
