Human brain is amazing: Comprehension, cognizance, understanding, memory, intelligence & thought are all born in the maze of its insli and gyri with great ease...Thoughts are like wild creatures, set them free and they race like unbridled horses...


Thoughts are winged creature
Roaming in the sky,
Set them free and they soar
High up in the sky,
Up above the clouds they vie
For a space in sunny skies.

Sometimes they sink to abysmal depths,
Deep into your soul,
Stir up such a storm
And trouble you to core.

Sometimes they entangle hopelessly
With the daily drudge,
Sow seeds of doubt that
You always later grudge...

Sometimes they travel countless miles
To places far and wide,
In your imagination from Timbuktu to Wye!

Snow peaked mountains,
Golden beaches,
Lush-green meadows,
Vast ocean reaches,
Rivers shimmering silvery bright,
Valleys full of fragrant flowers,
Just like Paradise!

Time is no impediment,
When your thoughts begin to fly,
One moment in green childhood,
With sweet bird of youth,
The other in deep old age
With vagaries of dotage...
Back and forth in Time they travel,
With ease of a sage....

Some times I visit you my love,
"When dull substance of my flesh,
Becomes thought..."*
And swish away my sorrows,
When with troubles I am wrought...

Thoughts distilled through Time,
Become treasure-troves of wisdom
That makes you erudite...

Authour: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

* "If the dull substance of my flesh were thought"; from Shakespeare's Sonnet no: XLIV
Calligraphy of the same Sonnet by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1233 times
Written on 2006-01-21 at 18:27

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as i started reading this i felt a sense of freedom.

its puts amazing images in my mind.



Just absolutely wonderful :)

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
your poem is so thought-prevoking and very true words.

You make my mind explode of thoughts through this poem. I sorta felt the poem inside of me. Like i knew it in a way. Amazing Zoya:)


Hi ! ... Wow ! ... such presence ... I can't always "get on line " , so if I do miss anyones , I'm sorry ...but I'm glad now that I have read this . Talk about thoughts ...this must have taken a lot of thought it's very well constructed and planned . Zoya are good ! ... Keep on writing .... yours !!! ........ Glen ( GB )

wonderful poem, but yours always are,this man sighs, sighhhhhhhhhhh

This was, well, fantastic, just fantastic.

Once again, I am chilled to the core with your vast talent! So vivid, I always feel like I am right there in your poem, living it right along with you!!


Celtic boy
You did it again! I never gave a thought before to the thought process, but here you have opened my mind to how it all comes about. Superb!

It seems that all I can ever do anymore is think. And think. And think. And think.

Thinking has replaced sleep and meals and schoolwork and... the list goes on.

I think about the past, which decisions I made and shouldn't have and which I didn't make and should have. I think about what is happening right now. I think about what will happen tomorrow and the next day and the next day until the end of the world, running over all the various possibilities until I've thought of every single one.

And I still can't find any answers.

The only answer is just to think more.

So I end up trapped in this viscious cycle of thought.

Sometimes, though, it's actually kind of nice.

And this is so true for thoughts are the freedom of the soul,without them we are nothing,well done Zoya :-))