Tune it up & Tune it down
metal flakes is melting down
Burning horizon with black clouds
lightning arrows penetrating my heart
WRroooOOOOOOmmmmmMMMM. . .
The first fuzzy accord
drummer hit me, set me free
the bass, build a wall of sound
for me . . .
and the blues brings me
back on the ground
Blue, blue Monday in my mind
hitch hiking solo and I find . . .
my guitar is coming to live . . .
sounding with finger picks
and the drummer hits . . .
crashing cymbals of Zildjan made
and my resistant fuzz box is screaming
when I with the tune control fades
This is how Rock & Roll is made!
Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1455 times
Written on 2008-12-08 at 12:01