Me 3 and a half years old, photo taken by my father 1962.

Song to an empty paper

I shall write my best poem now
something that no one
have written before

by the way I am thinking if I shall
rhyme or just have big thoughts
released in a long overwhelming text
written on 110 outstanding pages

. . . hmmm . . .

(thinking on the sofa)

3 hours later

(sleeping on the sofa)

3 and a half hours later

Suddenly awakening
HEUREKA, I’ve got it!


(the phone is ringing)

- Hello!

(Click, wrong number)

GGGRRRrrrrrrrrrr . . .

Well, now I can write my poem!!!

oooOOOHHHhhh . . .
I forgotten every word

(back on the sofa)

zzzZZZzzz . . .

Words by Dan Cederholm
Read 866 times
Written on 2008-12-18 at 10:21

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Ha ha! A poet's work is never done Dan! (What a little cutie you were.)