The world became
A hidden false dot
In Love
In emotions
In watching the children
Bleeding to death
when they simply
Being killed
By the American's cluster bombs
And a leaders cold blood
They are now in Gazza
By the American's hands

Gazza is not calling

On a bleeding spot
Where the children's
hearts drop tears
Heating the world
To get warm
So very hot!
That's what they closely put
Their belief in a world's green


But sorry
To find it not
Any more leafed
But a black spot
The world became
A hidden false dot
All the world's papers
Are fake lines
In one blot

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 722 times
Written on 2009-01-03 at 00:29

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Nepenthes, you and I and many others like us, who ive in peace and abundance, can afford the luxury of "impartiality", and even so we make often very bad use of it.
Aisha is directly involved in her own people's tragedy, which has been going on for 60 years now, and she has not wanted it.
Has she no right to express her bottomless sorrow?
Wouldn't you do the same, if it had been all your kin, parents, siblings, children and grandchildren?
Aisha, even if there are many wars and misery on this world, my heart goes to you these days.

A stark and heart rending image of innocent children being killed in Gazza, even tonight I believe! I am so sorry for the ignorance of leaders that think this is justifiable warfare, nothing fair about it. A great thrust of a poem in the disgusting face of humanity that should be so so ashamed! Thank you for showing their despair.....May we find a lasting peace in 2009, Tai