Here in Gazza my grand child ( Dani ) expressed by cries .... he saw his friends dying on the floors of schools without any manhood help or feelings !!!


I was sure the world is flinching of justice
I was one hundred percent
Confident that the world's leaders
Are drastic
Towards my wounds !
And their hearts
Are covered by a hard mastic
Watching my prayers in fear
It's their
Atmosphere !!!!
watching my prayers in fear
Acting happy
Batting their asses
By their farewell in their destiny
Calming the terror of Israel
It is ok my dear
For killing the pure Innocence
In heaven's angels
Accusing my little pure hands
By their dirty smear!
Playing the roll of freer
In hearts of laden plastic
In all their tactic !!!

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 803 times
Written on 2009-01-03 at 19:45

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!

Between seeing the innocent suffer and trying to understand why?

My natural emotional state for the person i am screams at me that no innocent person especially children should suffer at the hands of others emotional conflicts. (It appears to me that wars continue out of the fear of what may be lost when faced by any settlement that maybe concluded.)

Although i believe most wars are started due to greed or fear or a mix of the two. Io truly understand any particular war i would firstly have to deeply understand how they applied and as importantly place them in the context of how it all began.

Here lies a very difficult problem for me and most individuals. Without knowing all the details of the struggles between the different factions in a war. It is all to easy to adopt a point of reference which will most probably be out of context.

For me I am sure if i tried to assimilate all the information right back to the very beginning, in a free and unbiased manner, my emotions would swing constantly from one side to the other as the story unfolded before me. The question is how can one individual from this mountain of information determine when and why? For surely it is only with this small piece of information that blame, if that is what is required for resolution, can be truly acknowledged, apportioned and addressed.

Without this one small significant piece of information every individual will pick their own point of reference. The very unfortunate who have to live the nightmare often will have this point of reference forced upon them by recent traumatic events. And the truth is when a conflict has continued for so long is it even possible to determine when and why any more?

And as unfortunate, there are many who will exploit these points of reference to further their own agendas. This to me another inescapable part of human nature.

For me to better understand wars and maybe have a better chance of resolving them we first have to better understand the "Human Condition" The emotions which compel us to make the decisions we make. The emotions which compel each individual, in the conflict, to follow the path that they follow. For me we have to understand the very big role that fear plays in all conflicts.

Fear was natures way to protect us from the affects of possible danger. And for me here lies the problem. Fear evolves out of the shadows of possibilities. And our minds are attuned to first search for evidence to support that fear rather than negate it. It appears it has to be that way otherwise we would walk into danger all too easily and all too quickly.

I think what i am trying to say is that i am in no position to judge either side because i do not have the full story. Also i am aware of the dangers that can be caused by me and by others who cast their unqualified and out of context opinions into the melting pot.

However for every isolated incident of suffering my heart will always reach out to the innocent no matter what side of the fence they stand. For there has to be a better way to face our fears, to resolve our conflicts and to search out and establish peace without the need to first crush and destroy what we fear the most.

Just my humble thoughts.

A well written piece and my thoughts reach out to your Grandchildren and all those who suffer.