In one huge
World's blood clot
Serve it spiced
By Gazza children's tears
Filling the Israelis hunger glut

Not thank you leaders

The eyes flush the sadness
Over the children
Who drew the pain
And every bodies vein
By the threads of sorrow
against the Israelis plot
the plot
that fed the greed
In their bowels
And freeze the emotions
In one huge
World's blood clot
Serve it spiced
By Gazza children's tears
Filling the Israelis hunger glut
Hay world leaders ..........!
Ashamed in a dark wet slot
Not thank you Draculas
Nor Thanks a lot !!
For the crimes you committed
For more you also what ?????
But God will not !!
BUt ....!


before such case in Sot !
Our Pain as awake humans
Is toooooo
And your shame is wet
Through your cold criminal Rut !!!

Poetry by Aisha Razem
Read 1049 times
Written on 2009-01-04 at 11:48

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