SNOW "Rhyme Royal"

In the wood I walked one evening by myself and I fight
its not summer, it’s not spring, not fall, its cold, its winter
Hot is summer fall is brown green is spring, winter is white

Snowflakes from above in the wind so slowly they glitter
walking and talking to myself I am a word-eater an forester

the sky looks like a whiter shade of pale, milk-and-water
I am sending you this notes I am not an down-and-outer

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 794 times
Written on 2009-01-04 at 17:12

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Dan Cederholm

My try to the contribution to an
Royal stanza constructed as a
terza rima and two couplets


I don't think its perfect but
I have give it a good try and
it was really fun!

Thanks Nep!
