Whishing for all souls

here the road has an end
and my body goes back to earth
and my soul . . .

oh my soul where do you go
do you have any free ticket
have you strive for. . .




or is there any


My precious old soul
I know I have done
things right and wrong

I know but I regret all wrong things that I made
and hope that all things going to be the best
when I start my journey behind the horizon

Thru the RAINBOW I wash my sorrows


I hope my soul is a free spirit
and not bound in chains
I hope the life after
is a happy place

not like the. . .

Striving decades on earth

Let there be peace
Let there be love
Let there be understanding

with love

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1158 times
Written on 2009-01-04 at 22:49

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