read diagonaly. [[e.g. Evreytime I cry - It becomes an ocean.]]

The beach- Read the gray text before you start reading the poem


Evreytime I cry.                               -

It becomes an ocean.

When my tears are dry.                -

It's the sand on the beach.

When I am in pain.                      -

Is when a palm tree looses its coconut and hits you in the head.

But when my tears are dry.        -

With my sand on the beach.

The ocean is somebody else's tears.   -

The coconut is somebody else's pain.

With my beach I share that too.    -

The beach is somebody elses happiness.

I wish the trees were gone.            -

I wish the ocean was dried up.

So then there would be just sand.        -

But if that happend.

There would be no reason to be happy.     -

Since there would be nothing else.

So I am glad.                                        -

That I have sand,

The ocean,                                         -

And the palm trees.

So in the end.                                 -

We all don't just need sand

Poetry by Courtney Marie Marion
Read 750 times
Written on 2009-01-11 at 22:14

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I like it lots, it has movement, emotion, light heartedness combined with feeling and created atmosphere in style, word choice, very unique and nicely presented.

Sarah Mae
i love love l o v e this one!!!