This is dedicated to my best friend
He's my laughter everyday, but also my pain in the ***
And I don't know what I'd do without him
Even though I say otherwise
[[and to all my friends who read this, you're all my best friends too]]

For My Best Friend

It upsets me that I can't do anything
I desperatly need to cry
I want to cry all the tears I have in my soul
Because yesterday you could have died

Tears are holding on to my eyes
They don't want to let go
My life is repeating its self
And it bothers me that I will never know

I will never know the reason
God has put this burden upon me
And I will never know
Why 'close to death' in my life is a garentee

You're my best friend
You're the part of the reason I get up everyday
Because I know you'll always be there
But right now, I'm asking you to stay

I don't want you to leave
I want you to live
There maybe some dead ends in your life
But your life, right now, you will never be able to relive

I want to cry for you
But I don't know how anymore
Because I never thought I would come this close
To loosing a friend I would do anything for.

Poetry by Sarah Mae
Read 423 times
Written on 2009-01-17 at 19:31

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a very special thoughtful piece and written so tenderly.