I Still Write About You

I still write about you
Although you will never know
I may not write your name in a heart on my hand
Like I did so long ago

I still think about you
Although you will never care
I may not think about you in 'that' way anymore
Like I once did in that confusing love affair

I still talk about you
Although you'll never hear
I may not talk about me and you anymore
Like I once did in that last long year

I write about how much fun I had
Being with you everyday
And I write about how funny it was
When we couldn't find anything to say

I think about how you used to make me laugh
When I was all upset and sad
And I think about how wrong I was about you
And that your actually not so bad

I talk about how amusing it was
When you got caught sleeping in class
I talk about all those little memories
That are now just shattered glass

I'm trying to glue everything back together
But in a different way then you would expect
Im trying to glue the pieces of my life together
And put the puzzle pieces of life where they connect

I never meant anything I said before
I always thought you gave everything your best shot
I don't mind if you never talk to me again
Just remember
You're the one person I never forgot

Poetry by Sarah Mae
Read 462 times
Written on 2009-01-18 at 02:49

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Lovely sentiment here of thoughts in a wonderful poem for the one you care about.