What was I thinking

I woke up on the wrong side today
Like I did the last couple of months
I guess the hate won't fade
I guess you're stuck right to my brain

I keep pinching my arm
Why am I not waking up
This thing must be a prank
Your not even my kind
You're not even fun
I want you outta here

What was I thinking when I
Let you into my life
Did you put something in my drink
Cuz this just doesn't feel right
How could I possibly have liked you?

I have a hard time believing that you are funny
I may have laughed before
But One step closer honey
And I'll kick you to the floor

How did you make your way here
What are you doing in my bed
Is this some kind of joke
You're messing with my head

What was I thinking?
Letting you into my life
Did you put something in my drink
Cuz this just doesn't feel right
How could I possibly have liked you?

I need my closest friends to
help me see
But it just won't help
I guess I was on drugs or something
But ain't a chance that I was sane

What was I thinking?
Letting you into my life
Did you put something in my drink
Cuz this just doesn't feel right
How could I possibly have liked you?

Poetry by A.c
Read 392 times
Written on 2009-01-27 at 12:18

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I like your writings and what I get out of this is infatuations can do that to you, it can be like similar feelings of what we think love is.

Dee Daffodil
Enjoyable piece ! This sounds to me like the inner struggle between..."I like you...you're a goof !" LOL Hope for the other persons sake...you get this sorted out... :-)