Still there

I keep thinking that it's not too far
Keep hoping it won't be too late
I'll wait no matter what they say
But what happens when we have broke the ice?

You're still in there
And everytime you come back I wonder
If it'll ever be the same
Am I still dreaming, am I sane?
Can you look at me in a new perspective
Just for a while
Let me explain, let's at least be friends
Cause you're still in there

If I were a boy.. it wouldn't really matter
I still wouldn't understand ya
I thought you were fading away
But my mind is still fogged grey
Everytime I conjure up your face in front of me

You're still in there
And everytime you come back I wonder
If it'll ever be the same
Am I still dreaming, am I sane?
Can you look at me in a new perspective
Just for a little while
Let me explain, let's at least be friends
Cause you're still in there

You make me bite my nails in agony
You make my cry to God
"Make him leave me alone"
I pray these wounds will heal fast
This love is just imaginary
But still
You're still there

Poetry by A.c
Read 410 times
Written on 2009-01-27 at 12:21

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