What you see is not the limit

Sequences of music
sweet whisper the wind
soul mates with the sun
and the moon
another time and
another place
of traveling

Outreaching thoughts
delivering capabilities
of human behaviors
walking feet and
clapping hands
blinking eyes
and a smile

Another place and
another time
sitting on a star
hitchhiking in space
on my own thoughts
something inside:
my soul whispers

- Live for today!

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1144 times
Written on 2009-01-29 at 14:30

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Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
A very positive text Dan. The now is all we ever have (even when, as humans, we drift back and forth), and these well expressed thoughts are a lovely poetic reminder of that. Thanks for sharing this. Can I cut and print this to my refrigerator?