For me and you and for everyone . . .

Equal is enough, enough for me
“for life” is my honored words
and life passed me by 

but everything is changing
and everything is not always
good enough
I am still living
and I am still free

and “times they are changing”
and we sing “ let it be . . .”

and the songs that we are singing
they aren’t new
and the voices for freedom

you have heard them all before
the only things that are new
is the time we count from now
and who are we fooling
only ourselves

and “times they are changing”
and we sing “ let it be . . .”

The years we walked for freedom
and for human rights
how many time did we do it

I stopped count after ninety nine
and we shout - Set the captures free!
we did it for tomorrows children
and we did it for
you and me

and “times they are changing”
and we sing “ let it be . . .”

I said it to myself and for all those
people who I count as friends
where do we live tomorrow

- Lets live for today because
the years they are changing
and we are not getting younger
so let´s stand together
the times is not getting better

and “times they are changing”
and we sing “ let it be . . .”

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1150 times
Written on 2009-01-30 at 10:35

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Dan...I was intrigued with this one...It sounds full of
both desperation and hope...
Can we have it both ways?
