This is deacaded to sarah and alex i feel like its my fault.........:(

the same day over again

Have you ever wished the day went over again
Have you ever wished that something never happend
I have
Wished for a well but no penny
Wished for a pen but no paper
Wished evreyone would get along but there are guns
Wished some one would come to me and say
"I feel the same way"
But then i look back to realaity as best as i can for me
See how my wishes dont matter cant go back to the past
A car with no reverse
That day you heard those comments it made you feel so sad I try to help but nothing works.
Then she felt the same way
Evreywere a rainy day
If only my wish would come true
For the two of you
But my car wanting to just be parked
To have reverse but instead it keeps on driving
Evreything blown in the dust

Poetry by Courtney Marie Marion
Read 907 times
Written on 2009-01-31 at 01:40

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Sarah Mae
awwwwwe thankyou courtney that means alot to me :)