I don't think it's about believing in something, I believe that you just gotta have a good row model to follow. Some guide lines, so you can take care of yourself or whatever your goal is in life...
My rowmodel is Pink. Forever and ever.

Would it get better

What if I believed
Would all my dreams come true
And what if I believed
that you could get better
Would you change your ways?
I'm waiting for better days

If you believe in miracles
Would we see angels dropping from the sky
If we believed in God or in nature
Will the world be a better place tomorrow?

Will she ever survive that cancer
Will that father ever stop hitting their mother
Will there ever be a chance
That you could like me someday?

What if we believed
That there were something to be believe in
Would we believe?
Could it get better?

Poetry by A.c
Read 434 times
Written on 2009-02-04 at 09:26

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Zoya Zaidi
Yes, Certainly dear A.c.
Anything and everything is possible, if we really believe in it...

Purple Phoenix
Absolutely! In the darkness, sometimes faith is the only light we have. Self belief is the key to success! Great poem, well done!