Come with me

Come with me,
I will take you to the edge of the earth,
Where down the precipice of being,
Everything infinitely swirls down
'Till oblivion come...

Drown with me,
In the deep blue sea of human dignity,
Where the soul meets heart,
and heart meets soul,
'Till eternity...

Shed with me a tear of sorrow
for those in custody
of anguish, suffering, and agony,
And I'll show you what it's like to sing
a mournful litany...

Be with me,
And hold me tight,
In my hour of need,
And I, your ivy, will cling to you,
on a cold gloomy night, and follow you
right up to the aisle of ceremony...

Share with me,
The joy of life,
That you have given to me,
And I'll take you into the
realm of fantasy...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

photo: Cheonjiyon Waterfall-Jeju Island-South Korea; by and © Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1529 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2009-02-04 at 11:24

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i know i've already left a comment here but everytime i read this poem , i tend to leave a comment cuz the more i read it the more i admire it :) hihi

A great poem, and so genuinely Zoya-ish!
A special applause for "the deep blue sea of human dignity".

I join your mournful litany but praise all of your poem. You are a real gem of Poetbay Zoya.
Luv, Normalil.

Peter J. Kautsky
...and I, your Ivy, will cling to you. Great line! among others

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website.

Such a sweet rythm, befitting the content.

Mr painter

i am impressed. these words gave me goosebumps;

Shed with me a tear of sorrow
for those in custody
of anguish, suffering, and agony,
And I'll show you what it's like to sing
a mournful litany...

anguish,suffering, agony, mournful litany

great poem :)

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
I could read these words everyday. I would then be cured of my own heartache must faster than I've imagined. An exceptional piece of writing. Thank You.

A wonderful masterpiece. You never cease to amaze, my dear. One of the bay's (and the craft's!) true gems.

words, so drenched with love...Touching and beautiful

Kathy Lockhart
when you write and post here Zoya, I am taken up and away from my own problems, lifted to a higher plain, and given freedom in discovering the depths of your insights. Thanks for simply being you my friend and thank God for the marvelous creation--you. hugs and love, kathy

Purple Phoenix
Swept off my feet by your words... just beautiful!

Christian Lanciai
I will gladly join you all the way.

wow,that's beautiful

Your words tell of love for a particular other and for the worlds people .. so many struggling in despair and hurt and still loving and hoping .. Life is such a mystery so full of love and beauty and still so full of hurt and violence and abuse ... why?? is a questione ...

A beautiful poem that went straight to myheart ,,, thank you!