Written in response to Liam's Poem 'The Awakening', I am posting it with a bit of tweaking here and there...

Life, the Great Teacher

All our experiences-
Good or Bad,
Significant or indifferent;
All our acquaintances,
Friends and loved ones-
Whom we learn to trust,
All our foes-
Whom we recognize
With much pain,
In our childhood,
Stay with us,
Make us what we are,
In our adulthood...

Importance lies in what we make
Of our experiences
Our relationships
Our loves and our betrayals:

Whether they make us
Better and wiser human beings
Or break us
And shatter us to self-destruction...

Much of it depends
On our resilience
Our wisdom,
Which we gather
As we go about
the processes of learning...

Our passions teach us
Of the depth of feelings,
Of pursuing our goals,
Of hanging on in the face of adversity;

Our loves teach us
The height of ecstasy,
The tenderness of feelings,
Sacrifice, caring and sharing,
Abandon and giving in to another;

Betrayals teach us
The pain of agony,
The truth about people
About life,
About our power of endurance
About understanding relationships...

'Till we learn the truth about ourselves
'Till we learn the truth bout life-
Life that is a great teacher...

By the time we realize this
Life has passed us by...
Life teaches us this as well...

Life is all about living and learning.

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo:'Silver Lining in my Cloud' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1348 times
Written on 2009-02-08 at 08:43

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Kshiti Dubey
I love how you say so much in just a few words. Cheers to such a poem.

So true, and so wise! This text brings to mind a line from a favourite song: "...and I don't know who I am, but you know life is for learning."

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Life is but the gratist universality of all. We are all both students and teaches.

A very good poem , well expresst , Zoya.

Ken D Williams

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
So much wisdom and truth in this. I shall hang in the face of adversity as you suggest, and let life teach me. Thank You again for your wonderful words.

Mr painter
Wow i like this one great great poem