Valentine Special

A Moment of Love-An Eternity

Every moment that we spend,
In love, in each others arms,
Becomes an eternity for me
As the times pass...

I savour those tender days
Those passion filled nights
Sunsets on the crimson beaches
The rose-tinted sunrise,
Smell of white Jasmine flowers
Spreading their fragrance wide
Your breath upon my moist cheeks
Melting with scented sprite

Your kisses upon my brow,
Your lips upon my lips,
Your tender touch
Easing my frown
Erasing worries off my crown,
Giving goose bumps upon my skin-
Your feel to no other akin,

I, melting in your embrace
Like candle melts with the flame,
Drowning in the deep blue sea
Of your love that sets me free
To attain peaks of ecstasy...

The sweet slumber in your arms
Till the wee hours of the dawn,
Snuggling up into your warmth
To melt the snowy chill
Of wintry nocturnal founts,
Waking up with pleasant dreams
Still lingering in enchantment sweet...

Such moments, and many more
Etched in soul everlastingly
Each stretching to infinity
For a lifetime and beyond
Linger on
Long after you are gone...

A moment stretched to eternity,
In instants of ecstasy,
Lives in memory eternally...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 857 times
Written on 2009-02-15 at 07:46

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