"Everything about you makes me shiver."

A letter, my heart unto you.

Once upon a time, a person cleverer than I told me
That I ought to stop trying to please everyone.
Today, Ive realised that this advice was good, and neccessary.
I will follow it, from tomorrow onwards.

Nothing is reciprocated in this world, not for me.
Not for the girl who will always give, and never takes.
Perhaps when you stop getting, you'll realise.
Love doesn't make me a slave, nor does it mean I am your plaything.

I am not a piece of meat. A toy to amuse you when you please.
And to ignore at all other times.
I adore you. The way you think fascinates me.
And because I cannot read you, I keep trying to.

One day you will know, I will show you.
That I am here. I have a mind.
A mind that at one point, you wanted to listen to.
Remember those days? They blew me away.

Everything about you makes me shiver.
There is suddenly an awful longing inside me, almost an addiction.
It hurts, its like heroin. I'm scared.
You scare me.
You anger me.
You worry me.

You amaze me.

Yours, completely.

Poetry by gemma
Read 998 times
Written on 2009-02-16 at 05:36

Tags Love  Heartbreak 

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