Not wishing to be left behind by the orgiastic atmosphere currently prevailing on the bay, I take my chance and sneak in with a tribute of my own... need I add that this was very hard to write? ;-)

Tribute to the Honey-Filled Orchid

Concealed 'neath raven gossamer of lace,
Exuding tantalizing sweet bouquet,
Your lips unfurling, longing to embrace:
Impatient hands take lingerie away!
Your honey sweetness brings without delay
A tongue to dance upon your swollen lips
That grow and form an Orchid flower's ellipse.

The dance, exciting, rising, slowing now
Brings forth delightful twitters from beyond
That beckon dancer up, and so allow
Your fleshy softness swiftly to respond.
To fill itself with silken magic wand
And thrusting down, to chase the manic burst
Of laughter's tears, with which you quench your thirst.

Poetry by TonyD
Read 1347 times
Written on 2009-02-21 at 00:18

Tags Sex  Female  Lovemaking 

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Kathy Lockhart
oh yes, such words may be hard to write but are sweetly read with passion.

oh my god this is so sweet

Purple Phoenix
You had me in the first two lines, beautifully written. Great work. :-)

A well-written, passionate, in every way beautiful tribute!