Do we ever stop to think: How authentic our lives are?
How truthfully do we really live...
Are we true to ourselves and to those around us?

A Life of Deception

Yeah, we often wear masks,
We hide our true selves, if you ask,
To reveal to the world, we think is our task
That what we think is the right side of ours.
But, little do we realize, that what we think is right,
Actually may not be all that right,
And in this endeavor to reveal only
What we think is right,
We show ourselves in a different light
than actually what we are;
And in this process we forget
our real, and true selves.

So, neither do we live the truth,
and be our true selves, nor do we
find out the truth about ourselves;
And in this process of self-deception,
Our life passes us by, and we are left,
With a lie to live by;
And by the time we realize this truth,
Life has passed us by.
So, we are neither here nor there.
Neither have we lived truthfully,
nor have tried to seek the truth.

We have lived a life of deception,
And it is ourselves we have deceived the most.
We have lived a life in projecting ourselves as ones
we would like to become.
And in the process left our true selves far behind.
As a result we end up being out of sync
with our own selves!
What a waste that is of time and intellect.
A life of deception lived away from your own self!

I would rather we spent our lives
in exploring our true selves,
and try to become, what we aspire to become,
rather than projecting ourselves
as ones we would like to become,
but, actually are entirely someone else...
Won't it be better to discover ourselves
And realized our true inner self
Than to deceive the world,
And, in the process, our own selves ...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Image: Venetian Mask:

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 935 times
Written on 2009-02-23 at 18:34

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Kathy Lockhart
Zoya, it's so nice to read you. You have such a way with words and getting to the core of issues. Finding one's trueself can be one of the hardest things to accomplish. I, each day, find a piece of myself. I throw off the old while discovering the new. I guess it's like peeling an onion for me which in reality can bring tears in the process. love, kathy